Sunday, July 20, 2008


An official in Chancellor Angela Merkel's office told Reuters, while at the same time requesting anonymity:
There is a sort of Obama-mania in Germany right now, but I think a lot of people will have their illusions shattered if he does become president.
The governments of Berlin, Paris and London are wary of his inexperience and evolving policies, and fear the euphoria is overdone.

The German Chancellery is said to radiate unease with Obama's cult-like following... and skepticism about whether he can live up to the hype.

It's like I said further down the blog, Europeans do not cotton to blacks with power - never have - and see Obama's pop-star following as a wave of support for his presidency that will quickly disappear when the newness wears off, leaving America with a president it should not have elected. Even if McCain wins, we will still end up with a president we should not have elected.

It is most puzzling why the Democrats have chosen this obscure nobody that is giving McCain - another total loser - so much undeserved credibility. Almost any nationally known Democratic figure would have buried McCain by now. This presidential election should have been a slam-dunk for the Democrats, but amazingly, the two candidates are neck-and-neck in a race where any real competition never materialized. Hillary? Puh-leaze... a fad candidate that really never had a chance.

It makes me a bit worried that what I said previously just might be correct: The political heavyweights are apparently sitting this one out, that no real big guns in either party want to be president this go-round, since the next president will be presiding over an America that collapses under the incredible burdens that Washington has created(the list is long and dismal), and will go down in history as the worst one-term president ever. Why? Becuase the president - not Congress - always gets the blame. Why? Because we're all too busy with ourselves to take more than a minutes notice.

So we have two zeroes vying for the top job, not because either one will accomplish anything, but because they both want the prize, to win only for the sake on winning.

Obama was right once again, but for the wrong reason...

America does deserve better.

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