Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama Is Right

Barak Obama on Iraq:
Iraq distracts us from every threat that we face and so many opportunities we could seize.

This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy and the resources that we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century. By any measure, our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for keeping America safe.
It was not a strategy to protect America in the first place. It was a strategy to eliminate yet another of Israels many enemies, and had nothing whatsoever to do with confronting and bringing to justice the terrorists that attacked America on 9-11. Senator Obama also said that:
The central front on terrorism was Afghanistan and Pakistan, adding that it should be apparent to President George Bush and presumptive Republican nominee John McCain as well.
He is correct. Our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for America. It was - and is - a strategy to keep Israel safe from the enemies they themselves have created, a strategy forced on us by Israeli lobbyists, who are in turn controlled by Israel.

What he did not say - but should have said - is that both Bush and McCain are nothing more than willing cogs in this powerful and well-funded Israeli machine that controls our federal government and our entire foreign policy. Both Bush and McCain know this. They always have, just as everyone in our federal government knows. But they - all of them - have sold their souls to the highest bidder. The lust for money and the craving for power has overcome them, as it has those men and women in our Congress that have sold us out, the very people who have tossed America "Under the bus". A fair number of them claim to believe that it is some sort of religious destiny they are acting out, a pitiful excuse beyond the pale.

Bush sent us into Iraq - not to confront Osama Bin Laden and his band of terrorists - but to search for possible WMD's, the idea of which had Israel so frightened, and to eliminate Saddam, their perceived number one enemy at the time. We now know there were none, and Saddam is dead. So Israel is happy, but we are stuck neck deep in this Iraqi quagmire that Israel would have us stay in forever, to protect them from the consequences of their own actions, to satisfy their own self-interests. Being the good little puppet that he is, McCain will try to keep us there until the end of time.

Meanwhile, our enemies grow in numbers, training and strength where they have always been... Afghanistan.

So, Obama is 100% correct. Iraq was - and is - a poor strategy for keeping America safe. We have spent trillions of dollars, lost thousands of lives and crippled our economy... so the Israelis could get a good night's sleep.

George W. Bush has either reluctantly or enthusiastically - which one matters not at this point - supported and promoted the Israeli government's wishes concerning the Middle East, the results being nothing short of disaster for America.

Time to eliminate this Israeli influence - this "Israel first" attitude so prevalent in our Congress and this administration - and put America's interests first.

So, If Obama is truthful in his statements about leaving Iraq totally, and sooner rather than later, voting for him in November is a first step in reclaiming our government.

The Jews have the money and the media influence to control our Congress, but they don't have the votes.

We do. Let's use them.

My name is Bob... and my wife approved this message.

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