Wednesday, July 02, 2008

E-mobile And The Monkey

E-mobile, a Japanese cellphone company, just pulled an ad showing their monkey mascot, in a blue suit and tie, waving his arms from a podium with a sea of signs behind it saying "change".

Blacks across America have gone postal over this supposed racist attack on Obama. Read the article, watch the video, and make up your own mind.

CNN rushed interviewers into the streets of Japan, showing the video to the average Japanese passersby, none of whom made a connection between the E-mobile mascot and Obama.

Nonetheless, E-mobile immediately pulled the ad when CNN pointed out the supposed connection being made by American blacks, their spokesman explaining that the monkey has been in many of their ads over the years, doing all manner of "amusing" stunts to push their products.

But pulling the ad hasn't mattered here in America, where anger-prone blacks are foaming at the mouth at this supposed insult, possibly ramping up for maybe another million-male march on Washington... or perhaps Tokyo.

What these overheating blacks don't understand is that - in general - the Japanese have a fondness for monkeys akin to India's fondness for cows. A sort of national symbol, a kind of national pet. Different strokes for different folks, don't you know.

A bit of information: The monkey in question is a macaque, a pink-faced grey haired native animal of Japan, an animal the Japanese would never associate with Africans.

Tolerance and understanding of another culture by blacks could be considered here, but don't hold your breath.

Is this what we are in for if Barak Hussein gets the nod? An endless stream of insulted blacks on our TV's, in our living rooms, yelling and screaming, pounding their fists over anything - anywhere in the world - they perceive as an insult?

If so, it's going to be a l-o-n-g four years.

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