Friday, September 12, 2008

Whoopie Waaaaay Over The Line

Whoopie Goldberg, in a classic demonstration of her over-the-top "blackness", asked John McCain:
Should I be worried about being a slave, about being returned to slavery because certain things happened in the Constitution that you had to change.
A crack like that is so far out of line it's hard to imagine she actually said it, but she did.

She's worried about being "returned" to slavery?

Somebody show me where Whoopie Goldberg ever spent a second of her life as a "slave".

Life Oprah, she has benefited beyond her wildest dreams by being a black in America, and like Danny Glover, just can't keep from insulting and slamming the nation and people who made it all possible.

That sort of conduct - a cheap shot of the worst order - by one of America's rich and privileged blacks does stoke the fires... a lot.

To John McCain's credit, he didn't tell her to stuff it up her a**.

But he should have.

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