Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama and McCain... What They're Thinking

The spiffy little bimbos in TV land are asking what Obama and McCain are thinking about on this financial and economic cesspool we find ourselves neck deep in.

It ain't rocket science folks...

They're both glad as hell that it happened before they become president, since neither one has a clue about what to do.

Clueless Chicago Machine Obams says don't look for bailouts(which have already occurred) and wants more governmental control, and clueless beltliner McCain wants a commission to investigate and wants more governmental control, a insider response if ever there was one.

They both realize that Bush - and his legacy - are toast anyway, so he might as well take all the heat, and believe me, they're going to do a lot of finger pointing(justified) his way, particularly since both of them are active members of Congress and don't want that august(lol) body to start getting too much attention.

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