Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Congress is loudly proclaiming that this mess isn't of their doing, that it's all the President's fault.

That's total crap.... it is the Congress - and it's bought and sold members - that have created the laws and regulations that allowed all this to happen, not the president, not us, not the aliens from Mars.

If anyone should be taken out and hung from the nearest lamppost for this, it is those very members of Congress loudly proclaiming their innocence as you read this post.

They are the ones - the greedy little cretins who have been purchased by massive campaign donations and untraceable Swiss bank accounts - that have allowed these things to happen by massaging the rules to benefit those few that have been plundering the United States for decades.

But I sometimes wonder why I even bother to point all this out. Most of our simpleminded and gullible citizens will only be able to utter banalities like "whut happened?", the sheepish Christians will gather in prayer groups and predict the rapture is nigh, and the more intelligent of us will believe they have planned for everything and will escape the coming tidal wave.

It is Congress - and the members within - that have allowed all this to happen, they are the ones who have cooperated with the plunderers... for nothing more than their miserable 30 pieces of silver.

Yes folks, it is Congress that has done all this, the very people you and I sent to Washington to represent us, to serve and protect this nation. They are the ones who have sold us all down the river.

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