The U.S. government is going to use one trillion dollars of taxpayer money - they say - to bailout these failed financial companies, in order to - they say - protect the average American.
But... and it's a BIG but... the U.S. government is broke, so by itself, it can't bail out anybody. The governments solution? Borrow the trillion dollars from other nations.
The Washington politicians are borrowing the money in order to stave off this looming financial and ecomonic disaster a bit longer, and as usual, will leave the taxpayer - us average Americans - holding the bag.
To the guys and gals inside the beltline, what's another trillion or so? They know and understand what the real national debt is, and that another trillion is not even a 2% increase of our total debt load.
If the U.S. government had the same accounting practices as those used in the business world, the country’s official national debt would be $59 trillion.
One must wonder how borrowing another trillion dollars to "protect the average American" from financial disaster is beneficial, since the average American - and his children - are going to be taxed for generations to pay back that 60 trillion along with it's incredible interest and unavoidable penalties, a financial disaster of epic proportions facing us all.
We already owe 59 trillion dollars to the rest of the world. The nations who have loaned us this money will want it back. It will take years of hard work and countless tons of product to be sold on the world market to pay all that back.
But wait... The Bushes, the Clinton's and the United States Congress have given away our jobs, our factories, our national ability to compete worldwide. You know... NAFTA, GAT, all those other "agreements" that have successfully destroyed our industrial base. So how can we generate 60 trillion dollars? Plus interest? The incredible debt this federal government has created?
We Can't. The federal government knows that, that why they plan on triggering the NAU, the North American Union, with its new money system, along with it's new rules and rulers that will be the real owners and masters of America.
We average Americans should "clean house" in Washington, get rid of those beltliners that have failed America and its citizens, and replace them with people who will put America first. Term limits for Congress would be a great start.
But we won't... Because the average American will listen to all the bimbos and talking heads on TV and will read all the financial "experts" writing in the Wall Street Journal, and be assured that "all is well".
We have - on this present course - perhaps one year left, before this all finally comes home to roost.
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