Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sarah and the Media

The WND daily poll asked:

What do you think of the way the media has been treating Sarah Palin?

Leading answer at the time of this posting:
Palin represents everything the establishment media has been trying to tear down for decades -- they're beside themselves.
Hmmmm... and what would that be?

Well... she is a married woman, a working woman with five kids who is in a position of real power and authority, a woman who is wildly popular, loves to hunt and is competent with firearms, and at 44 could still wear a bikini and turn heads on the beach.

She's not the classic "single Mom with a loving daughter", no husband or son - no men to be found anywhere in her life - except for those needed to fill the roles as idiotic and menial servants or the obligatory floor mat used to assert her "power" over.

No "single" narcissistic female with an adoring daughter intentionally conceived in an out-of-wedlock sexfest. No same-sex "union". She's married - legally - to a man of her own race, no salt and pepper blend here with some "what am I?" kids, a man who is a champion in his chosen sport, not some sluggish couch potato worried about which detergent to use for the laundry.

She has five kids, all born with a Mom and Dad on the birth certificate - and the marriage certificate - has not had any aborted, even the one she knew would have Downs Syndrome.

A woman of power. She is an elected governor that has successfully faced down many of the embedded crooks and cretins in the Alaskan government and business worlds.

Wildly popular? She has an approval rating of 80%, higher than anybody the media has ever supported or championed.

She is not afraid of a citizen with a gun... she is a citizen with a gun.

She is not some fat, obese slug slouching around with a quart of diet cola in her hand, not some sharp-tongued uneducated glob of fat whining about how beautiful she really is on the inside.

No wonder the media can't stand her. After decades of promoting homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, mixed marriages, decades of ridiculing the stay-at-home Mom, along comes Sarah... a woman who can set them back to ground zero... where - my wife says - they really deserve to be.

So she may - metaphorically - have a few zits or pimples on her butt. But what the hell... so do I.

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