Thursday, November 08, 2012

Can You See The Problem?

Apparently, a lot of New Englanders can't - or won't:

Trees and power lines just don't mix.

Seems New Englanders have a real problem. It's not that they can't understand what happens when they lose electrical power, it's why they lose so much of their electrical power.

Until they learn that they cannot allow  trees to grow close enough to power lines to hit them when a big wind blows by, they're going to have more days and weeks just like they're having now.

You gotta wonder how many times they have to go through all this before they learn that electrical power - particularly in winter - is far more important than having those pretty trees in the front yard.

Power poles and transmission lines are designed to take take the load during high winds and storms, but they can't be built to withstand thousands of tress falling on them. They could, but the cost would be impossible.

They already know they can't bury the lines everywhere, they have too too much flooding. So, until they decide to keep the tress clear of the power lines, they will continue to spend freezing nights in dark houses

It has been estimated that over 90 percent of the loss of power to residential areas is caused by falling trees. If there had been no tree damaged power lines suffered in this last storm, it seems reasonable to conclude that 90 percent of these people would not have suffered any power loss, and for those who did, repair crews would have gotten to them much faster.

It's their choice, really.  So don't cry too many tears over their present misfortune, it is - and has always been - avoidable.

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