Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Take that Frigging Flag Down!

MANSFIELD, TEXAS (CBS 11 News) Is it okay to show your patriotism at the office?

For one Arlington woman, the answer was "no" after she hung an American flag in her office just before the Memorial Day weekend.
Another woman, who shared her office found the flag offensive, grabbed the flag and put both the flag and its pole on the floor.

Debbie McLucas, owner of the flag, her husband and sons are all former military people, and her daughter is currently serving in Iraq as a combat medic.

She put up a flag for Memorial day and some immigrant broad who came to America from Africa fourteen years ago, yanks it down.

OK, African, you don't like Americans showing the colors on Memorial day? Then pack your damned bags and get the hell out of here. Go back to where you came from. I for one, and sick and tired of this kind of garbage, this bending over backwards to placate some minority nobody, this stooping over and grabbing our heels so some "insulted or offended" zero can stick it to us.

I suggest they research her the legality of her "citizenship". It's a distinct possibility she is here illegally. If she is, I'll help pack her bags.

Odds are that Debbie McLucas will be eased out of her job in the next few weeks or months. She embarrassed the hospital, it's management, forced them to publicly back down and reverse course, and exposed some of the prevalent deep-seated hatred for the United States and it's citizens being demonstrated by so many of these minorities.

McLucas said:
I just wonder if all those young men and women over there[Iraq] are really doing this for nothing.
A sad comment on the state of affairs in America.


craftycorner said...

I do think this problem was the SIZE of the flag rather than the flag itself. The problem was not immigrants.

The patriot should have known better than to bring a monster sized anything into an office that was begging to be tripped over as coworkers walked to the copier. (Being tripped over can be considered disrespectful to the flag.) The immigrant of your story tucked it out of harm's way, or so she thought. She may not know all the traditions of handling a flag.

As for the practical matters, it wouldn't matter if this was a flag or a house plant, lawsuits are a fact of today's office life. Office cubbies are often just that...cubbies. A flag that is little, a few inches by inches would show patriotism best in such a compact space as in the offices in my home town in Arizona.

There was many a little flag in many a little office.

Bob said...

Good points, but:
-1) It is an office shared by four managers, not a "cubbie".

-2) The flag was on a pole, how much room does a flag on a pole take up?

-3)Tossing the flag on the floor is not "tucking it away".

-4)Anybody, supposedly with the intelligence required of a manager, knows that national symbols such as flags get special treatment.

-5)She could have just asked to have it removed, before tossing down the flag.

-6)If anynbody can sue becuase they are inconve-ienced, insulted, or angry because an American flag was being displayed for a national holiday, we are finished as a united nation.

Where are we supposed to draw the line?

craftycorner said...

-2) The flag was on a pole, how much room does a flag on a pole take up?

That would depend on the size of the pole's base. That size depends on the manufacturer of the flag, the hight of the pole, and the weight of the flag in question. A five foot pole would require a minimum one foot wide base.

-4)Anybody, supposedly with the intelligence required of a manager, knows that national symbols such as flags get special treatment.

You would be surprised at who can get hired for management positions. America's education system has gone straight to ahem....

-5)She could have just asked to have it removed, before tossing down the flag.

Because this article does not mention she did not, doesn't necessarily mean she did not request it's removal. I believe there is more to this flag's story than we are being told. This flag isn't talking.

-6)If anynbody can sue becuase they are inconve-ienced, insulted, or angry because an American flag was being displayed for a national holiday, we are finished as a united nation.

The lawsuit issue I speak of would have nothing to do with a flag. It would have to do with an object that can endanger a work place.

Where are we supposed to draw the line?

We draw the line where an object possibly impacts on the physical personal space of another.

Bob said...

"We draw the line where an object possibly impacts on the physical personal space of another."

More definition....

How much physial personal space should be allowed per person? Should personal space be measured by some specific radius from the center of gravity of an individual, perhaps based on height and weight, or just on a square foot basis? How much of that space can be legally occupied by objects like office furniture, lamps, coffee makers, Sheng Fui displays, etc? If one is claustrophobic (medical justification required), do they get a larger personal space?

Should a waste basket have more validity as an object than a flag stand occupying the same square footage?

Should sex and/or racial considerations be made? Can this be an affirmative action issue if a minority - particularily the overly sensitive and easily insulted ones - is involved?

Do we need a national "personal space" Test?

Should type "A" personalities be given more space just because they are pushier people?

Average cubicle: 8x8 = 64 sq.feet. Average four manager space: 4x64 = 256 sq. feet. flagpole stand (you say) 1 sq. foot.

Now, if the flag was in the personal space of the lady in question - a part of her 64 avg. sq. feet, leaving the personal space of the orher three managers untouched, was she and her personal space violated and legally harmed by the flag tosser?

Well - she could have been - if we had some more laws determining personal space(with claustophobic and/or Type "A" considerations).

Far more importantly, should the woman with the flag be fired, arrested and jailed, for upsetting a minority?

Gets a bit sticky, since any woman (flag-bearing or not) is a "minority" also, but if she was white, she wasn't a minority Minority, like the African immigrant female, possibly lesbian or trans-gender, making her even more equal under the law.

craftycorner said...

Your measurements for offices are for the "average" office. Some offices are significantly above average and quite plush. (Note the late Aaron Spelling's office in Hollywood.) Some are quite small to the point of being comparable to shoe boxes. That is a matter of the budget of the business. More importantly, personal space in an office can vary hugely depending on the the office equipment needed to get business done.

A trash can, particularly one with a paper shredder on top of it, can be called office furniture. This particular trash can would trump other non-office objects in this room. The office mates don't want identity thieves after their paperwork.

We don't know what else was in this room office furniture & equipment wise. You get enough equipment, things can get rather cramped in a hurry. Computer banks come with their cords, electrical extensions, often multiple monitors, keyboards.
A computer for each desk with all that comes with under the desk. (Not everything is surely the latest, most compact of models...)

Chairs for clients, coffee table for clients, table in the corner with coffee, water, and tea for all.

And yes, people do bring their various mental issues and disabilities such as claustrophobia to work with them. Our immigrant from Africa is likely undiagnosed if she has any of these issues.

There can be non-flag related hostility between these two workers. A flag could have been used to set her 'off'.

Bob said...

You win this round...

I ran out of sarcastic things to say.

craftycorner said...

It's been fun debating with you...