Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Camille Running Scared

Camille Paglia, noted lesbian and ultra-liberal, is worried:
Troubled by the increasing rancor of political debate in the U.S., I watched a rented copy of "Seven Days in May" last week. Its paranoid mood, partly created by Jerry Goldsmith's eerie, minimalist score, captured exactly what I have been sensing lately.
Wow, she's really a sharp cookie, what with sensing all that rancor and debate which is everywhere, day and night. Further, she says:
I was utterly horrified to hear Dallas-based talk show host Mark Davis, subbing for Rush Limbaugh, laughingly and approvingly read a passage from a Dallas magazine article by CBS sportscaster David Feherty claiming that "any U.S. soldier," given a gun with two bullets and stuck in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, would use both bullets on Pelosi and strangle the other two.
Well, if they're spending us into bankruptcy, giving our jobs away, plundering our treasury, won't listen to you and are ignoring all the consequences we will all face because of their elitist attitudes and arrogant stupidity... and you can't vote them out, what other solution is there?

Besides, you could use the reward for offing Osama to hire a good team of lawyers to defend you for snuffing out the other two.

We're gonna need an answer to that solution question, definitely sooner than later.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

She was doubtless horrified to hear such a thing said about a femiNazi after whom she lusts so vehemently.
I thought we might be slipping free of the tyrannical grip the Whore of Babylon holds on our government when "Tip" O'Neill kicked the bucket...No such luck.
One fascist replaces another, and the authoritarianism goes on!