Thursday, May 28, 2009

A 25% National Sales Tax

The Federal government is considering a VAT - Value Added Tax - to help pay for the crazy Kenyans insane spending spree. A national tax of 25% on EVERYTHING, on top of our already burdensome tax obligations, on top of that $4,000/year energy tax that lost-in-space Kenyan wants.

You know what? Those looney people in Washington have gone completely around the bend. They have lost their minds. Between Obama, Reid and Pelosi, there is not one shred of fiscal sanity left.

The feds gave away all our industries and decent jobs. They let 20 million illegals invade and take what was left. They ran up trillions in debt fighting illegal wars. They have been throwing money around worldwide like drunken sailors. They have been paying insane dollars for military stuff, like 11 billion dollars for a couple dozen helicopters for the prez. They have been keeping rogue states afloat with our money, and then bribing our enemies with billions more to stay "nice" to us.

And guess what? None of it was their money to play with. The Federal government has no money, no income. Every Penny they spend they must take from us.

Now they have just spent trillions more of our money bailing out their buddies on Wall Street, and want to take over major American Corporations.

But - Lo and Behold - The majestic lightdimmer just discovered we are over 20 trillion in debt, completely broke and our credit is shot, so his solution is to just tax us out of all this.

Did we tell them they could do any of that? Did we get to vote on whether any of this stuff could happen? Did we give them permission to spend trillions of our dollars any way they felt? Is any of it Constitutional?

No, no, no, and hell no. But they did it anyway.

And now, these Washington lunatics are deciding to add another 25% on to our tax burden, and that means on everybody and everything... no exceptions. An additional 25% sales tax and everything you buy. On top of the city, County, School, state and federal taxes already in place.

So you don't give a damn what happens in Washington. Well, you better start, before you lose it all, like those wealthy Californians who have just discovered that their movie-star Governor is going to force them to pay 90% of their income... in State tax alone.

You all had better start paying attention.

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