Friday, March 14, 2008

Talk About Pandering...

Stomach turning, that's what it was...

I was just flipping through the channels and spotted John McCain talking, so I stopped to hear what he was saying.

He was saying something about how hard it was to do the Lord's work in the city of Satan. He was no doubt referring to Washington, D.C., where he has spent years and years "working", and now wants to be the chief Satanist-in-Charge.

It was instantly disgusting. He was most likely talking to some inane gaggle of religionists who loved that sort of talk, since they burst in the expected idiotic applause at his remarks.

Pandering at it's best.

From Websters Seventh New collegiate dictionary:

pan-der: to act as a pander; esp : to provide gratification for others desires.
pan-der-er 1 : someone who caters to or exploits the weaknesses of others.

From Bob's Landing book of notes and explanations:

John Mc-Cain1: a pandering presidential candidate esp : an over-the-hill murderous warmonger talking to a group of stated pro-life(except for soldiers, let 'em die) but incredibly naive Christians definitely 2 : a man who has sold his soul to be the big boss with the nuclear football before he dies.

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