Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kill God

Whoa... here is a bit of light being shed over the flak caused by Obama's twenty-year pastor:
Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."
This "black liberation theology", which intends to kill any God not anti-white, is what Obama has been listening to for twenty years.

And now we hear that there are thousands of black churches in America preaching the same message.

Let me point out something you may not have considered about this race problem America has.

White America, from top to bottom, has been forced for decades by federal law to confront their racism and overcome it. This massive experiment in social engineering by Washington has been backed up by heavy fines and prison sentences.

But blacks have not been required, or even asked, to confront their own ingrained racism. Many blacks believe that racism is something that can only be practised by whites. Some believe that their open hatred for all whites is justified due to America's past experience with slavery.

Reverend Wright's virulent anti-white and anti-America tirade is exposing many white Americans - for the first time - to the realities of how deep the racial divide really is...And how much black-on-white hatred there is out there.

What the hell is wrong with those people? We have a college educated black man running for president of the United States! Tell me how that would be possible without massive support from white America.

No, it's not guilt. There have been no black slaves in America for over one hundred and forty years. Not one single white American has owned or mistreated a black slave for almost eight generations.

How many of you whites out there wake up in the morning thinking about how you're going to abuse and mistreat some unfortunate black?

My thought is, not many. But there may be many blacks who wake up in the morning with the desire to kill whitey... and his God.

This is the message that is ingrained in the "black liberation theology" preached by Obama's pastor. Racism, in it's deadliest of manifestations, is far from settled in America. The reality of this evil is just starting to re-surface, and this time it's not whites feeding the beast, it's the blacks.

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