Saturday, March 08, 2008

No Point At All

Reading back through my postings has made me realize that paying attention to all the crap going on and trying to point it out is just a waste of time, doesn't do any good, and won't change a thing.

Whatever is going on is being done by people who are in control of everything already, and that's not going to change. We are all on board for the ride, like it or not.

What to do depends on the kind of ride we're on. If it's like a roller coaster, we're all strapped in and have no options whatever, except maybe to upchuck and splatter on the riders in the seats behind us, something eerily similar to what I have been doing with this blog.

Or maybe it's like a merry-go-round, all of us endlessly traveling in pointless little circles on whatever artificial mount we chose, having our little ups and downs in the process, while those in charge keep the speed at just the point where we won't panic or get upset, playing happy music to keep us smiling.

If it's like a ride down some wild river, then we all have a chance at one time or another to pull over to the first available bank and get the hell off before reaching the ever-present falls. From that point of view, we can watch everybody else on their wild ride, screaming, yelling, hanging on, white-knuckled in wild-eyed fear and panic, some falling out and drowning - or suddenly jumping off - only to be smashed into oblivion against the hidden rocks. Many will just mindlessly drift over the falls, maddenly frustrating what with their vacuous, empty smiles, never having figured out whats happening to them. However, from our new vantage point on the bank, we can cheer them on or laugh uproariously - or ignore them completely - depending only on how we feel at the moment.

Me? I tried the roller coaster, too little control of whatever it is I can control, and the merry-go-round? Just too boring, like in a giant corporate office hive.

It's been the wild river ride for me, and I think I have pulled myself out on a little piece of river bank, but instead of cheering or laughing, I've been throwing rocks at the passersby.

Silly me... that attracts unwanted attention. So I think I'll just sit back and watch the show. Instead of tossing some of those endlessly available rocks, I'll use them to build me a wall, or maybe a ledge up the canyon side for when the water rises, which it inevitably does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't Stop. This is good stuff.