Friday, March 07, 2008

Snow Jobs

This morning we awoke to a blanket of snow, a normal occurrence when we lived in Colorado Springs, but a somewhat unusual event for Terrell, Texas.

Just what we need, another snow job.

As I watch and listen to the socialist, the communist and the slavering war dog as they vie for the American presidency, and...

Watch as our jobs and industries continue to drain away to foreign nations...

Watch as the fed keeps printing more and more of those almost worthless federal reserve notes...

Watch as our banks and lending institutions continue their wholesale plunder of the housing industry...

Watch as millions and millions of Mexicans continue the unchallenged invasion of our nation with the full intent of annexation...

Watch as OPEC quite openly continues to increase it's use of oil as it's primary weapon against the supporters of the Zionists with their goals of permanence and statehood...

Watch as the cost of food and utilities continue their stratospheric climb...

Watch as our insane federal and state governments continue to spend us into ruin...

Watch as the Euro and it's hidden backers continue a vicious attack against our currency...

Watch as our schools disintegrate into cesspools of ignorance...

Watch as our national infrastructure crumbles into decay...

Watch in dismay as a sitting president and a bought-and-sold Congress continue to anger and alienate the entire non-Judeo/Christian world with these continuing attempts at Empire...

I begin to fully realize how those few hundred sons-of-bitches we have sent to Washington have delivered the biggest snow job in history on us average American taxpayers, with the full and avid support of our totally controlled media, people desperately trying to convince us that things are really OK, when even Helen Keller* would have known better.

*For many of our public school attendees, Helen Keller was born deaf and blind, stayed that way all her life, but she wasn't stupid.

Even now we see ga-ga idiots break into tears when Obama(the media generated apparition) opens his mouth to spout more inane but fine-sounding banalities. The democrats are choosing between a socialist and a communist to lead this nation into further - and perhaps final - ruin, and the newly self-destructed Republican party has chosen endless war as it's national goal by choosing a modern - but overage - version of Attila the Hun as their chosen one.

And now Bush the Lessor announces that he is "disappointed" in the "loss of U. S. job payrolls" in America. Do you ever wonder if this "Skull and Bones" reject can connect the dots?

Of course he can... it's all part of the plan, part of the master "snow job" we are victims of. So this somewhat unexpected snow in Terrell is no big deal by comparison.

At least it will melt away with little or no damage, a small consolation, I suppose.

And perhaps - just perhaps - this all new Mex-America these hidden Masters of the Universe are creating will settle down and start acting like a normal member of this world's collection of nations. But... maybe not. History has repeatedly shown us that the lust for power and wealth has no bounds, no brakes, and no end.

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