Friday, February 01, 2008

How About This?

Here's something I bet you didn't know...
On Feb 1, 1861, Texas seceded from the Union, becoming independent once again. Since the articles of statehood passed by the U.S. Congress give Texas that right, it was perhaps the only state whose secession was legal.
That means Texas could legally secede from the Union again... leaving the rest of you continue to contend with this maddog insane federal government along with it's wars of empire, it's incredible debt, it's rush towards socialism, and it's in-your-face attitude that has the rest of the world just about fed up with the United States.

At least Texas kids wouldn't be looking at over a $100,000.00 (per child nation wide) debt Bush and his cronies are going to leave behind.

And Texas has enough natural resources and industries to support itself. we could then handle the illegal alien problem ourselves any way we see fit, which would be to welcome any foreigner who wants to come here - roll up their sleeves, get to work and to make a life here - with open arms as long as they were legal, had no previous criminal record, and were disease free.They wouldn't have to learn to speak English, but they would have to learn to speak Texan.



Roci said...

Good plan, but first you would have to pay your share of the debt your citizens squandered.

$100,000 per head, in gold, ought to do it (none of that funny texican money accepted).

Anonymous said...

No no no..,

Texas citizens have not squandered the money...

Washington has.

Roci said...

Texas has just as many greedy underachieving washington nipple-suckers as the other states. You have big cities, therefore you have welfare queens and poverty pimps.

You have interstate highways and airforce bases, therefore you have federal government public works projects.

There are none of the 50 states that are untainted by greed for other people's money. None.

Your beloved Texas is every bit as much a dependent state as California and Massachusetts

Roci said...

Do you have ffarmers? Then you have farm subsidies.

Do you have old people? then you have Social security, medicare and AARP lobbyists.

You can complete this list on your own.

Anonymous said...


You need to study - and ultimately understand - the difference between handing out money and receiving it.