Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What Is Bush Really Pushing For?

President Bush has thrown down the gauntlet on the immigration bill, Senate Bill S1348, even though he must surely realize the nationwide opposition to the amnesty provisions in it, and the dire consequences of such an amnesty.

But there are other things is this bill not being talked about by anyone.

Portions of this bill provide for the fast-tracking of actions necessary to create this "union" of Mexico, Canada and the United States that Bush and his masters so dearly want, actions that will absolutely eliminate our national borders, physical or virtual, and our sovereignty.

I do not believe that George Bush gives a hoot about whether 12 million illegal aliens get amnesty or not, so long as they keep working for peanuts . I do not believe he cares about ordinary citizens at all. I believe he is working to fulfill the purposes of those few insanely rich and powerful who would rule the world as dictators.

With the exception of his half-hearted attempt to capture Osama in Afghanistan, his thrust and focus as president has been:

To increase the profits of international corporations and their owners, and their control of governments worldwide.

His love of illegals is about cheap labor. His war in Iraq is all about oil. His focus on government is to give it all away to places like the Hague... or worse.

He has fully supported the offshoring of American manufacturing to places where the cost of labor is a non-factor.
We have lost millions of good paying jobs here in America mostly to the Asian rim nations, who--in return--are sending us cheap but shiny junk, poisoned food products, both human and non-human, and are in a full assault against the American dollar.
Bush continues to fight--tooth and nail--to keep illegal aliens here, whose very presence greatly reduces the cost of labor for his corporate supporters and allies. These illegals depress wages and benefits, and directly affect our quality of life, our health system, our welfare system, our school system and the Social Security for every individual American.
George W. Bush knows this. George W. Bush understands this. George W. bush does not care.
Bush is not alone in this attack against all Americans. Ted Kennedy, Arlen Specter, Diane Feinstein, Harry Reid, John McCain, Jon Kyl and other United States Senators are patently guilty of treasonous conduct in this attempt to reduce America to something far less than what we are, what we were, and what we could be.

Why do they do it? Is it for money? Is it for power? Is it for acceptance? Is it for revenge? Or are they really just simpletons who have been led down the rosy path into the world of stupid conduct?

Don't get me wrong, there are millions of real Americans in our government who are doing their best for America in just about every federal department. But I can imagine that many of them are being frustrated and stymied by the conduct and actions of those self-serving traitors in high places.

What to do?

At the very least, continue and increase the pressure on the Senate to send this bill S1348 to the permanent trash bin.

After watching this president for over six years, it seems to me that he is no friend of ours--you and I--he is a friend of those unknown entities who have plans for us and our progeny that will do great harm to us in the long run.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

We are now almost completely run by the fascists.
We have no one deemed "electable" by the political establishment who is any different than the traitor-in-chief.
What is to become of the nation is not a pleasant prospect, for if your apocalyptic vision of the Islamic fanatics on the rampage in our own country does not come true, Vox Day's atheistic totalitarian scenario looks quite possible.