Tuesday, June 19, 2007


This from a genius named Stephen Baetge:
As people work to fight urban sprawl, well-designed infill projects can make a huge difference in reducing traffic, improving air quality, fighting global warming and providing better housing and transportation choices for our neighborhoods.
Wow! All that from cohousing! He goes on:
Cohousing combines private homes with generous shared facilities, thus creating the feeling of a small village where neighbors know and care about each other. Cohousing can create socially vibrant and environmentally sustainable communities, especially for seniors.
Shared facilities? Especially for seniors?

I've lived in several major apartment complexes where the neighbors had absolutely no interest whatever in knowing and caring, and that's a typical attitude. He goes on:
Cohousing also creates a more self-reliant community that doesn’t require numerous car trips. With onsite child care, shared common meals and a close-knit community, people have less need to drive their cars. In addition, they are more likely to carpool, to compost, to reuse and to recycle.
Paradise on earth, or so this exhuberant modern green-hued fairy-tale writer would have us believe.

So what's he really talking about? Apartment complexes, only with shared kitchens and bathrooms, like in military boot camp. How about those nifty "common" showers, hey? Particularily for your thirteen-year-old daughter?

We'll all just love that, won't we?

What if you get the runs, and your "shared" toilet is occupied by a throneroom book reader?

We gotta make sure that guys like this never get their ideas off the ground.


Wife just asked who was going to keep those "common" facilities neat and clean? For instance, who will re-stock the TP? Who will do all the cooking and dishwashing?

We are all aware of what happens to any "public" facility, where individual responsibility is non-existant.

Oh yes, some of bush's citizenized illegals, no doubt.


Anonymous said...

I am currently in college and I had a composition professor, who is a self-proclaimed "leftist organizer" go on and on about how we need to eliminate urban sprawl and get more people in these cohousing projects. He claimed how it was the solution to most of the problems we are facing as a society. He went on about how we were turning all of our farmland into Suburbia and how we would be facing food shortages if the trend continued. I pointed out the fact that although we farm less land today than in the past, we actually yield more food than we ever had before due to improved farming practices. After that, I could tell that my comments and opinions were no longer welcomed in that classroom.

TheWayfarer said...

Sounds like something your good buddy AlGump would propound.

Anonymous said...

One thing I learned at the University of Washington: the profs don't want your opinion on anything...period.

Well, two things I learned... half the profs(or more) are after the sex they can get from those young and naive (but, oh sooooo intelligent) girls who have just been freed from the clutches of Mommy and Daddy.

That's why a bit over 82% of them graduate* with a lime-time friend called Herpes - or worse.

*From a University of California report.