Monday, June 25, 2007

English, Please... Or Goodbye

(Angus Reid Global Monitor)
The vast majority of people in the United States believe everybody who calls themselves an American citizen should speak the national language, according to a poll by Hart/Newhouse released by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. 89 per cent of respondents support having all immigrants applying for citizenship being required to learn to speak english.
Sounds reasonable to me. If you want to immigrate to the United States, or get a work permit for here, then learn our language.

It is not up to us to learn your language so you won't be inconvenienced. Demanding that we go out of our way for you should simply mean you will not be allowed here.

That's the way we (89% of us) want it.

If you don't like that, go someplace else. We certainly won't miss you.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this, if I moved to France, I would expect to learn French, if folks want to come to the US they might want to pick up a "Coverstational English" book.

TheWayfarer said...

Bobert, you should have explained this to Bubba and his wife, the future President, when they bought all that multicultural/PC/"Politics Of Meaning"lessness foolishness.
Touchy-feely, E-H-E based crap for which we are now paying.