Friday, October 30, 2009

1,990 Pages

400,000 words. $2,240,000 per word.

Insanity, pure insanity.

Pelosi's health care package is an example of a Congress gone insane with spending and the lust for power and control.

There's only a few hundred of those out-of-control lunatics in Washington.

Why should 250 million of us sit on our thumbs while they destroy our future, our kids future, the dollar, our national credit rating, our worldwide stature, and kill off our kids in useless foreign conflicts?

Those of us who resent this federal government and its overreaching and its insane spending spree, those of us becoming more and more angered at State governments with their petty and incompetent bureaucrats vomiting out an endless stream of rules and regulations, those of us worried over our incredible tax burden which can only grow larger, are destined to watch as the simpletons that voted Obama into office continue to line up for more free money, more giveaways, more happy-face perks... Until the whole thing collapses.

You've heard of the debt clock? B.O.(Before Obama), it showed that every American citizen - man, woman and child - owed about $40,000 on the national debt. What is that number now? $341,000 for every man, women and child.

My next door neighbor has three teenage daughters. As a family of five, they now owe $1,705,000 on this national dept that has been run up by Washington. That's not some imaginary debt we just owe to ourselves, it's real debt, money borrowed by this insane federal government and owed to places like China that will have to be paid with massive tax increaseS. Now, try to imagine what another trillion dollars of debt added by this health bill will do to that number.

The instant a child is born in America - any child, anyplace - that child owes $341,000 to the government. What a legacy we leave.

There is no way any of us can pay off this kind of debt. NO WAY.

We have all we need to rid ourselves of these leeches and bloodsuckers... Except for the will to do so. And sadly, I do not see any movement of substance that indicates we may be about to do just that.

So, to you 49% that are distressed by the ongoing dismantling and destruction of your own country, I sympathize with you.

To the 51% that put all those jackasses into office, you can go to hell. When the bottom falls out, good luck with coming to us with your grubby little hands out, whining for help.

And don't give me any crap about how my social security money is just another government giveaway program... I paid into that fund my entire life, but the lying cretins you 51% voted into office squandered it all away.

My fault? Hell no, I've been yelling about it all for years, but I might as well been pissing on a forest fire.


Master Doh-San said...

As the saying goes: if you're not outraged, you haven't been paying attention.

TheWayfarer said...

I see, within the next 20-25 years, atleast two countries where ours is now, if not three.
These crazy, power-drunk and power mad sonsofbitches are going to bankrupt the U.S., and the only way any of us will survive is separation and withdrawal from the radical socialists and collectivists.
It ain't gonna be pretty either, like the last time it happened!

TheWayfarer said...

And Pelosi is your typical Papist altruist: Buy your way into heaven and power with other people's money for the "common" good.
Why don't she cut loose some of her millions if it's such a good cause?
Because it's all about living off others thoughtlessly! The Old-Money, Filthy-Rich and the not-so "poor" both have that trick mastered & have taken it from junk-science to high art.

Anonymous said...

I often think the French - along with the guillotine - finally figured how to rid themselves of the Pelosi's, the Reid's, and the Barney Franks of their day.

Master Doh-San said...

Rope. Tree. Politician. Some assembly required.