Monday, October 12, 2009

An "unnatural" President

A million Americans marched to Washington with legitimate concerns about deficit spending, the economy and nationalized medicine. The president showed his concern over what they had to say by leaving town.

Then the homosexuals and their ilk hit town, and there was the president, giving a rousing speech promising complete support for their cause.

Well. If you are a normal human being with normal sexual preferences...

Wait, let me define "normal sex" for you.

Like it or not, believe it or not, religion and personal opinions aside, the prime directive for humanity is - and always has been - survival of the species.

Survival of the species means the continuation of humanity, and that means making babies that grow up into adults. That takes a man and a woman who enjoy each other enough to stay together long enough to see their kids reach adulthood.

Man, woman, kids... that's called "family". And that's the primary function of sex, sex between a man and a woman, what I refer to as "normal".

Anything else is something other than normal. Call it what you will, but it does not support the continuation of humanity.

Male/male sex does not make babies.
Man/boy sex does not make babies.
Lesbians and dildos do not make babies.

Estimates vary, but it is assumed that around 10% of the population practice the above kind of sex.

Fine and dandy.. Those people won't propagate, so maybe they are eliminating the "homosexual" gene (assuming there is such a thing) out of the gene pool, sort of a self-correcting abnormality.

OK, you 10%... Go do your whatever things you do to each other, but leave the rest of us alone. Leave our kids alone.

And now, we have a president rooting for the very people that would destroy the family and subvert our children, all for nothing more than perverse sexual thrills.

This "third sex" insanity is as much a threat to humanity as a nuclear world war. One just kills us all off, the other makes certain we never exist in the first place.

To have a president supporting this sort of thing is - to me - unacceptable.

No, I an not a homophobe, but I am your enemy... because you have made me one. Stop pushing for special treatment and special laws, you do not deserve it. Stop pushing to teach homosexuality in our schools, your philosophy of non-survival, of self-destruction, the ultimate elimination of mankind, has no business there.

Live your lives as you will, but do not try to impose your lifestyle of those who disagree with you. I have no problem sitting down and having a conversation with any of you, to engage in the ordinary chit-chat of the day, so long as you understand there are boundaries you should not cross.

Survival of the species is far and away more important than any of your personal desires. Understand that... And live with it.


TheWayfarer said...

That was the best bit of non-hate/non-emotionalism/non-religion-generated, logic and reason-based response to this whole thing I have ever read!
You deserve a freaking Pulitzer.

Bob said...

Thank you!

It took several rewrites to get it that way, but it is actually how I come down on the issue.

craftycorner said...

Have you noticed that there are quite a few of us? At nearly 7 Billion, the Human race is far from endangered. (This isn't an argument about homosexuals or their rights, it is about population.) There are three hundred five million people in the USA according to the census as of February 2009. Other countries are even worse. People live cheek to heel.

We consume resources at a frightening rate. Something has to give, we either need to find a better way to live, a greener way to live, or slow down population growth else Mother Nature will cull us, which is not something anyone wants.

Bob said...

The final reality is that Mother Nature will cull us, no matter what we do.

All it will take is:

-A)The onset of an uncurable virus like AIDS that has the speed of the Flu.

-B) A super volcano popping.

-C) A major asteroid strike.

-D) A nearby massive star going supernova.

-E) Being revisited by another global ice age.

-F) A critical bacteria in our gut suddenly becoming extinct.

There is a long list of things that nature can do to wipe us out, and it is 100% certain that - sooner or later - something on that list will.

We don't need a nuclear war to wipe us out, or a world full of homosexuals, All we need is time.

Enjoy today... Tomorrow does not come with one single guarantee.

TheWayfarer said...

Bob, that was beautiful, and 100% spot-on!
Your concerns are noted and understood, but you have to realize over 90% (WAAAAAAAAY over 90% of all the species that ever lived on this planet are GONE: We didn't KILL them all, they just phased out on their own. The planet will survive, recover, adapt because that's what it does; ever in a state of BECOMING rather than mere "being": It's not going anywhere...WE ARE! Pack your shit, folks...we're goin' awaaaaaaay! Not gonna leave much of a trace once were gone, neither (Thank God for THAT!!!).
All this bullshit about eliminating landmines, or switching to pump-sprayers instead of aerosol cans, or using 1 square of shitter paper IS TOTALLY FREAKING IRRELEVANT!!!
The Earth'll brush us off like a bad case of the fleas.