Saturday, October 17, 2009

Panic In Jewsville?

Maybe there should be...

Now we have a pro-Arab organization, CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, trying something besides flying aircraft into our buildings to get a fairer shake from America.

CAIR is trying to infiltrate our government sufficiently to influence Congress and the Administration to make some pro-Arab choices, and guess who is screaming bloody murder about it? Jews everywhere.

This is something the Jews have already done… quite successfully. When it comes to the middle East, every vital decision made by this federal government has been pro-Jew and anti-Arab, no matter the issue. Forget those verbal admonitions made about the illegal Jewish settlements, that's all fluff.

And you wondered why the Arabs were flying planes into our buildings? We've been shafting them for a half-century. Now they're taking a lesson straight out of the Jewish playbook... Become a dominant voice in the American federal government.

Careful... The Arabs/Muslims are playing this game far better than you realize. Obama is an admitted Muslim supporter, and all those Jews in Congress - the ones that believe they run things - haven't got a clue to what's about to happen.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Here's a radical thought: Maybe Congress should stand up for AMERICA'S interests, instead of constantly sycophanting old-money, filthy-rich around the world - regardless of what part of it they're from.
A good place to start would be turning off the Raghead Oil spigot, using our own resources until we can develop something better, and telling the Arabs to eat sand! Giving all the countries leeching off U.S. a definate date on which we're no longer handing them billions would be another step in the right direction.
This country has everything it needs within its own borders to sustain itself. The only reason we keep brown-nosing the rest of the world is socialism and spiritualism-based altruism, all of which has no basis in solid fact or logic, has been proven a lie on countless occasions and bares no fruit other than more moochers and looters.
I know, it ain't gonna happen either, but a fellow can dream