Saturday, October 17, 2009

Go Get 'Em, Sheriff

Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, famous for cracking down on people who sneak across Arizona's borders, launched a crime and immigration sweep in northwestern metro Phoenix on Friday, a half day after officials in Washington limited his powers to make federal immigration arrests.

Said Arpaio:
I am the elected sheriff. I don't take orders from the federal government.
Something most citizens may not realize...

The Sheriff of any county is the final and ultimate law enforcement officer for that county. He is superior to the city police, the state police, the national guard, the FBI, and any other federal law enforcement arm.

Most of us think that any Federal agency - like the FBI or the ATF - can waltz in and take over any situation they please. By law, they can do so only with the permission - or request - of the local Sheriff.

No Sheriff, anywhere in the United States, is required by any law to obey some federal bureaucracy or its unelected "leader", particularly one like Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who in reality cannot make - or change - state law.

The first civil war began over federal intrusion into States rights. The federal government had unconstitutionally concluded that the individual Sovereign States did not have the right to decide the issue of slavery, and attempted to impose its will on the States. Many States disagreed with that federal intrusion, so Lincoln's only legal option was to toss those States out of the federal union. Instead, he chose war, and over 650,000 Americans died.

Lincoln, like so many other misinformed, uninformed or confused Americans, considered us to be a nation, rather than what we really are, a union of Sovereign States that had agreed to create a representative for them to the world, the federal government, to speak and act for the individual States in a single voice concerning international matters. In that agreement, the States identified the few areas that this federal entity would have authority. The document that specifies these few areas is called the Constitution.

None of us have any Constitutional "Rights". The Constitution is a document that defines what the federal government has been authorised to do by our Union of Sovereign States, and that authority is quite limited.

Our "Rights" are listed in the Bill of Rights. Read it sometime... If you want to know what your "Rights" really are.

Perhaps the second civil war will begin over federal intrusion into states rights over the issue of immigration, since the federal government has concluded that individual states do not have the right to determine who will - or will not - be able to sneak into their territory. Would Obama - like Lincoln - choose war?

Hmmmm... brings up a rather unsettling question... How many Americans would Obama kill?

So, like it or not, Sheriff Arpaio is not breaking any laws in his quest to protect his State from hordes of illegals.

And when push comes to shove, the federal government has no legal authority to interfere.

If you question this, you should should find out for yourself about the three legally defined "United States", and who has what authority over each one.

Knowledge. It can change your day.


TheWayfarer said...

Bob, I've listened to both sides of TWBTS. They are BOTH propaganda. A lot of "Yankees" say the Union won, when in reality the only winner was the Vatican, because they planned and executed it to bring U.S. back under their control, like Europe already was...More about that another time.
You are right about the Sheriff's sovereign authority. This is why Oath Keepers are trying to recruit as many of them as possible, in hopes of establishing an alliance against more federal tyranny.
I hope Arpaio kicks all of them out.

Bob said...

You need to point me to some serious documentation about this Vatican connection you talk of before I can make any sort of comment on it.