Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Split-Screen Obama

Obama has appointed Kevin Jennings as his "Safe Schools" Czar.

A transcript from a 1997 speech shows Office of Safe Schools chief Kevin Jennings in the U.S. Department of Education expressed his admiration for Harry Hay, one of the nation's first homosexual activists who launched the Mattachine Society in 1948, founded the Radical Faeries and was a longtime advocate for the North American Man-Boy Love Association, NAMBLA.

Harry Hay. As a member of the communist party, Hay became more concerned that his homosexuality would negatively affect the Communist Party, which did not allow gays to be members. Hay himself approached Party leaders and recommended his own expulsion. The Party refused to expel Hay as a homosexual, instead expelling him under the more convenient ruse of 'security risk', while ostentatiously announcing him to be a 'Lifelong Friend of the People'.

How about all that? Jennings admired a homosexual Communist who promoted the North American Man-Boy Love Association, NAMBLA.

Man-boy. That's where a grown adult male has oral and anal sex with a young boy - a minor - breaking all manner of laws in the process: Sodomy, sexual assault, contributing, etc.

Jennings is openly homosexual himself. Has he also been influenced negatively by Harry Hay, the Communist homosexual that likes little boys?

Did Obama know and understand all this about Jennings before giving him vast power over our school policies?

Take Ibama's stand on Polanski...
Confirmation came today from White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs in an answer that put President Obama at odds that many Hollywood celebs.

Les Kinsolving, WND's correspondent at the White House, asked, "Will the president pardon Polanski. Will he or not?"

"I don't know of any pending pardon request," said Gibbs.

"Does he believe pedophiles should not be prosecuted," asked Kinsolving.

"The president believes pedophiles should be prosecuted," Gibbs responded.
If that is actually the case, why then has Obama put Jennings in the position he has? Anybody with half a brain will suspect that Jennings will totally mute on protecting school-age boys from child predators like those in NAMBLA.

Safe schools? Ha... Obama has put a fox in the henhouse, but don't worry, the hens will be safe, it's the roosters that had better hide.


TheWayfarer said...

The flaming drag-queens aren't the problem, the real issue is those you'd never suspect: Three-piece-suit, "pillar of the community", GOP-lifer types that are in the closet for evil, and come out when the kid they lust after is all alone somewhere.
They're that way because they know they need and deserve to be "put down" - as in, with a .50 cal between the eyes.
Since it was being openly proposed and discussed during Clinton's reign, don't be surprised if they want to legalize molestation (they'll give it some pretty PC name) during Obama's reign!

I'd be shocked if that wasn't where all this is headed.

Bob said...

The .50 cal solution....

At what point does it become a viable alternative?

History has a few sobering lessons to teach us all, if we are willing to learn.

Not a good solution #1:

The French, after becoming totally fed up with the privledged elitists in charge, revolted and then removed the heads from everybody with an education, after which the country was in such a mess nobody - not even the Germans - wanted to invade and take over.

Not a good solutin #2:

The Russians, after removing the Czar from power(and from this world), went back to sleep and let Stalin take over, who then slaughtered and estimated 30 million of them he didn't like, five times as many souls that were lost to the Nazis in the holocaust.

Not a good solution #3:

The Americans, after losing over a half millions citizens in a war triggered by federal control over states rights, allowed themselves to be totally misled into believing it was all about freeing slaves. Never in the history of the world did a half-million people die to free some slaves, the American civil war included.

Bad solution #4:

Have the Socialists, Marxists and Communists hijack the entire black race and use them as pliant tools to take over the nation.

There is an endless supply of bad solutions. What we need is one good solution.

TheWayfarer said...

No 3 really was a bad solution:
Papists angling for control over half the country ended up running the whole thing since then, and concocting the "free the slaves" altruism as cover/excuse.
That one really sucked!

You still have to concede that letting the perverts out of the nut-houses and treating them like they're normal is playing out to be a mind-bogglingly stupid idea.
Not so good for the kids, either!