Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hillary... An Inside Peek In Her Mind

Hillary blurts out:
We (the United States) tax everything that moves and doesn’t move...
A fascinating mindset...

She was in Pakistan at the time, and the dear sweet lady must think that what she says waaaaay over there will never reach American ears. That, or she doesn't give a damn anymore what us nobodies hear or think.

Note the quoted piece has "the United States" in parentheses, which I believe to be a mistake.

Hillary wasn't referring to the United States with her "We". She was referring to the small group of governmental elites in Washington, those who have the power to tax, that cozy little group of thieving scum that are robbing us all blind and driving us - and our nation - into bankruptcy and ruin.

She was in no way referring to the great mass of ordinary Americans that inhabit all that "flyover" country, sometimes referred to as the "United States", which to her and her ilk is an idiot-infested wilderness containing a vast herd of slow, stupid and incredibly gullible cattle, capable only of providing an endless stream of money, big breasted young girls for men like her husband, and round-bottomed young boys for men like Barney Franks.

It's not just a peek inside her head as to how she thinks... It's a window to show us how they all think.

It's dismal how history just keeps repeating itself: How ordinary people, not particularly smart, just incredibly lucky, find themselves in extraordinary positions of power and privilege, get drunk on that power, commit horrid abuses against the populace, and end up being dragged out of their marble palaces by their hair and locked up forever.

The only part of all that the United States has not done - so far - is the "dragged out" part. We still think we can vote them out.

Good luck with that.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

The "voted out" part may well be replaced with beaten to a sodden, bloody pulp if the masses ever awake from the anesthetic of altruism.
Have you ever stopped to consider that, the only quantifiable contribution any kind of religion has made to the whole of mankind is to keep the lived-off-of from giving the authoritarian leeches of the political class what they deserve?
Seriously! That's freaking it!!! Christianity - what largely passes for it, as example - doesn't teach people Biblical principles, it teaches pablum, milk-toast, effeminizing social gospel: Be a good little plebe & do what you're told, because that's all you're good for: Licking their boots!