Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Speaking Of Lunatic Politicans...

Louisiana Senators Mary Landrieu and David Vitter are presently - right now - asking Congress for 250 billion dollars to rebuild New Orleans. That's on top of the billions we have already thrown away on that below sea level city, a city that will suffer the same fate over and over again and should be abandoned. This ain't Holland or Venice folks... we do have options. We have lots of land above sea level to build on.

Let's break that money down a bit... There are - or were - 484,674 residents of New Orleans, including counting every man, woman, and child.

If the 250 billion went to:

A: Those 484,674 people directly, each and every man, woman and child would receive $516,528.00

B: The home owners of New Orleans 188,251 homes , each and every homeowner would receive $1,329,787.00.

C: Or, if the money was doled out to each family of four, each family would receive $2,066,012.00.

Just imagine 188,251 brand new one million three hundred thousand dollar homes given out free, compliments of you and I, the taxpaying public - built below sea level - just waiting for the next Katrina. Or imagine what a family of four could do with two million free dollars. They'd go retire in Miami, or maybe Hawaii.

But that money won't be going to all those people, those families and homeowners, most of it will go to crooked contractors... supporting and paying off crooked politicians.

Maybe we are the real lunatics in all this ... for allowing this sort of total governmental thievery to continue.

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