Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Possible Heat Stroke?

I visited Desert Cat's blog today to take a look at the progress on his cooling towers and was presented with the following rant:

Is This What You Wanted...

...Bob Mustaine? Yes, you. I am calling you out specifically because you have been on this weblog agitating for the shootin' to start. Is this what you and your compatriots are agitating for? Do you have the faintest glimmer of a notion what kind of a BACKLASH this kind of utterly depraved, stupid, misguided MORONITUDE will trigger?!

Hmmm. I do believe he was referring to the horrific shooting of that Arizona politician recently.

So, I went back and read months and months of my posts and entries to see where I was agitating for the shooting to start. Sorry DC, nowhere can such agitating be found. The only thing I found was where I recommended for an action to be taken was when I said crooked politicians should be "tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail". That was something they did in the old days - here - in America.

No guns, no shooting.

We all have bad days. When we do, we should definitely stay away from the computer.

LIBEL a tort consisting of a false and malicious publication printed for the purposes of defaming one who is living.


Desert Cat said...

How quickly some of us forget!

Here is where you advocated "transferring a few hundred of those world governence progressives to the Elysian Fields" as a means of solving the problems that beset us.

Mm. If I were FBI, I might be inclined to ask you which of those several hundred were you considering personally transferring to the Elysian Fields?

Not that you meant that literally of course. Right?

Heat stroke indeed. You are right however, and that post was ill-considered and I knew so shortly after posting it. I do not blame you personally for this tragedy and I apologize for having given that impression. I will revise said post to remove all reference to you.

Bob said...


Having watched Kevin Sorbo's "Hercules" series is what may have prompted me to use the Elysin Fields as as destination for those few hundred.

Hercules - in the series - visted the place often, and the folks there were alive and well, they just couldn't affect the affairs of man anymore. Simplistic, but most of us are in one form or another.

I firmly believe some of those people I discussed are fomenting violence and revolution, openly calling for the destruction of the American governmnent and our way of life. Francis Piven, Bill Ayers and Van Jones are classic examples. I personally would try them - and others of their ilk - for treason and sedition. The FBI would be far better advised to watch them than a worn out old coot like me and his mostly unread blog.

None the less, I will be far more careful with my verbal descriptions in the future, because, like Glen Beck, the last thing I want to see is an outbreak of violence.

I DO understand the consequences, and they are horrid.