Friday, August 28, 2009

First Order Drivel

From the Washington Post:
That the nation is so moved by the passing of Edward Moore Kennedy testifies to his skill, grace and determination at playing a role that must have been infinitely more difficult than it sounds: a prince fated never to be king.
A prince fated never to be king? Does the Washington Post believe we are a monarchy? He was no prince, he was a world-class charlatan.

I got a news flash for the WaPo: 62% of Americans have said they will remember Ted Kennedy for his actions at Chappaquiddick, that he was an adulterous, womanizing drunk that killed one of his playtoys... And because of his connections, got away scot free.

This is one of those times I would love to believe that there really is a Hell, burning with eternal fire to sear the souls of sinners forever, because if there really is a Hell, Edward Moore Kennedy is it's latest permaneant resident.

Payback is a bitch. Right, Mary Jo?


TheWayfarer said...

I've oft mused that, since we've gotten all in to this fad of dinky dollar coins with womens' faces on them, we aught to see to it by 2010 there's a Mary Jo Kopechne dollar: She's the woman who saved America from a Teddy Kennedy Presidency, and she deserves to be honored!
I'm somewhat concerned the republic may not survive to 2010.

Bob said...


Good one... Never thought of that!

Bob said...

Oh yeah...

About the Republoc?

I give it a 30% chance to survive to the next election.
