Monday, March 12, 2007


The new front line of the fight against illegal immigration is in Hazelton, Penn.
Hazleton officials last summer passed the city's Illegal Immigration Relief Act to impose fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and deny business permits to companies that employ them. A companion measure requires tenants to register with City Hall.
Hispanic groups and the ACLU sued, contending the measures are unconstitutional.

The next two weeks or so will let us know how the courts rule on this. I say we prepare for the verdict in two ways:

-1) Prepare a huge block party nationwide celebrating the court's decision to support a city's right to fine lawbreakers in it's midst, or

-2) Get some good, strong rope, find a tall tree and then go a-visiting to the courthouse.

There is no question about our laws concerning illegal entry into the United States. It's against the law, plain and simple. So if the city of Hazelton wants to impose fines on people who are aiding and abetting law breakers, that's OK by me.

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