Saturday, April 15, 2006

UFO's And Us

Joseph Farah over at WND is chewing on the UFO phenomena today...



There is mounting evidence of a fairly advanced civilization here on planet Earth that was destroyed by forces unknown somewhere around 10,500 to 12,000 years ago. How long that civilization had existed before it's untimely demise in unknown, perhaps for thousands of years. What caused it's collapse is unknown, and how truly advanced it was is yet another unknown.

Pretty sketchy stuff, but 12,000 years is a long time when measured in human terms, and more than enough time for nature to erase most evidence and -- just as importantly -- time to forget. However, in a geological time frame, 12,000 years is just a tick of the clock. Earth has had time for any number of civilizations before we came along.

Using our own present civilization as a guide, we can see that two hundred years can take a culture from oxcart to space travel. That's pretty impressive by any measurement.

If a technological civilization arose say, 14,000 years ago, and lasted around 3,000 years, how advanced would they have been? Could they have actually succeeded in establishing self-supporting bases on other worlds in our solar system? Bases that had the ability to survive a global disaster on Earth?

Today, our civilization has the capability to put humans on the moon and establish a permanent base there, one that would of necessity become self-supporting. We actually have workable plans for this, to create a space "ark" on the moon, just in case Earth is devastated by an unexpected asteroid hit like the one that destroyed the world of the dinosaurs. No reason to think that any other previous civilization could not have done the same thing. Keep in mind that humans who existed 12,000 years ago -- and even further back -- had brains identical to ours... no difference.

Those off-planet bases of this previous civilization would have had the ability to survive, to eventually grow and expand -- even to prosper -- without any aid whatever from the home planet, but it may have taken a very long time.

Obviously, the primary goal of these "marooned" space explorers would have been to eventually return to Earth, and perhaps have been doing so for the last two or three thousand years, only to originally find the survivors -- the left behind remnants of humanity -- back in the caves, living almost as animals, and far to dangerous to contact directly. The technical and intellectual gap between these off-planet survivors and the earthbound survivors would span thousands of years at the time, a truly unbridgable generation gap.

A good path of action for them would have been to just wait until we caught up, until we reached a point where we wouldn't club them to death if they showed themselves. That may be exactly where we are today. Unfortunately, we still shoot at things we don't understand, and now we have nuclear-tipped weapons.

If Einstein's theory's are indeed correct and nothing can exceed the speed of light, and if UFO's are actually real, then the only reasonable explanation is that they are presently from somewhere in this solar system, most likely originated on planet Earth, not from our present time, but from our past, and that they are us.... just smarter and wiser, and very patient.

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