Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh goody... Another War

Yeah, this will work out well:

The U.N. Security Council on Thursday approved a no-fly zone over Libya and authorized "all necessary measures" to protect civilians from attacks by Moammar Gadhafi's forces.

The U.N. approves something the U.S. has been pushing for... An all-out attack on Libya, to protect Libyian citizens.

You just don't start flying over someplace to create a "no-fly zone". You must first establish air superiority. You must destroy the air defenses, radar and fighter aircraft that the enemy has... so your planes won't get shot out of the sky.

You will note that several nations have approved this action and supposedly will participate in it's activities, but my money says it's the United States that will lead the way... with losses and casualties.

You may once again take note that our "good friend and ally" in the Middle East will not lift a finger, spend a penny, or offer any material support of any kind.

A good friend and ally in the Middle East? The Saudis? Get serious. I speak of Israel, of course. Why? To hear them tell it, it's that they don't want to inflame Arab sensibilities. even if they are the root of all the trouble in the Middle East.

For those of you who slept through history class, The Jews invaded and occupied a place called Palestine (with the U. N.'s blessing and America's support) in 1948. Yes, Palestine did exist, look for it on any pre-1948 world atlas.

Never read U.N. Resolution 181? You ought to. It explains a lot.

A summary:

To solve the problem of the future of Palestine which is under British mandate, The General Assembly of the United Nations decided in its Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947 to divide the territory of Palestine as follows:

- A Jewish State covering 56.47% of Mandatory Palestine(Excluding Jerusalem) with a population of 498,000 Jews and 325,000 Arabs.

- An Arab State covering 43.53% of Palestine, with 807,000 Arab inhabitants and 10,000 Jewish inhabitants.

- An International trusteeship regime in Jerusalem, where the population was 100,000 Jews and 105,000 Arabs.

That's worked out really well, has it not? The Jews and the Arabs have been in a state of war ever since.

The Jews have always promoted the idea that the place was "A land without people for a people without land". Really?

According to the U.N.'s own figures in R181, there was 1,237,000 Arabs in Palestine and Jerusalem... and 518,000 Jews. The land was "without people" only if one considers 1,237,000 Arabs as not being "people".

That's why the Arabs - including the Saudis - hate us and have hated us for generations. Sort of a "The friend of my enemy is my enemy" kind of thing.

Now, with the highly dubious blessing of the U.N. (who got this whole mess rolling in 1947) we get ready to attack yet another Arab State.

Like I said in a previous post - Stupid is as stupid does.

A question: When did we start giving a tinker's damn about Libya's citizens? At least to the point we are willing to destroy their government?

How's that worked out in Iraq?

Oil, oil oil. Pump out all theirs while we keep ours in reserve for the future - Assuming there will be a future for us.

But at what cost?

Those oil-rich Arab states are - and have been - robbing us blind, destroying our ecomony and loving every minute and dollar of it. It's payback for all the damage we have done to them over the years. we may have bombed and destroyed countess Arab villages and towns, but they are destroying a nation.

Sadly, the Progressives are correct: Most Americans are too uneducated or stupid to figure it out.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Excellent analysis as far as it goes.
The UN-constitutiona United (abomi)Nations, the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund would never have come into existence without the wealth of Rockefeller & Rothschild, Zionists all. Today, every nation on Earth is in debt to/owned by them, except for Russia, China, South Africa & Israel, and we are the largest debtor.
This is why it doesn't matter which faction of the Papistocracy has majority in Washington, they will do the will of the BanKhazars.