Thursday, July 09, 2009

Told You So...

Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium were gathered with friends outside a friend's home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of black teenage boys, who shouted ''This is our world'' and ''This is a black world'' as they confronted and attacked Marshall and his family.

This is just the beginning. This hatred felt for all things white by so many blacks in America is going to boil over. They do not want equality, they want vengeance for injustices - not visited upon them - but for injustices that occurred centuries ago.

None of those black hoodlums shouting about how "This is a black world" have ever experienced anything close to the injustices of the slavery period. Neither have their parents.

Tell me... Do you think any of those blacks will be charged with a Hate Crime?

Blacks in America have been offered everything. Money, housing, education, positions of authority, preference, every opportunity that can or could be conceived of has been handed them on a silver platter.

But, the vast majority of Blacks have refused to educate themselves. They have spurned school and education as a "white thing". Then they get mad because they can't get good jobs, can't buy nice homes, can't get that snazzy tricked-out car. They can't get out of the ghettos they themselves have created. And then they blame us for their own failures.

Now comes along Obama, and with him, the widely held idea that the time of the white man and his power has ended, and the time for the black man has come.

Damn... Reminds me of that line in "The Return of the King" where the Orc pronounced... As he drove a spear into the [white] man's chest:
The time of man has ended. The time of the Orc has begun.
Sleep well.

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