Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Sky Is Falling!

I can't take much more of this crap:
WASHINGTON — If the Senate doesn't pass a bill to cut global warming, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.
We have that sort of stuff happening every damn year - year in and year out - but now nutjob Pelosi's fellow screwball Californian Barbara Boxer is going to blame it all on global warming, something that is really not happening.

Facts are, the planet has actually been cooling for the last decade, but those droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, and worsening air pollution have been occurring anyway, and regardless of Congress, the green thumbers, and all of their horribly ill-advised new green laws will not - and have not- changed any of it.

Floods, forest fires, damaged crops, species loss... all have been happening since the dawn of time, but, according to Boxer, Pelosi and Gore, if there had been some global warming legislation in place at the time, none of it would have happened.

I think I'm going to throw up.

Somebody needs to take those two lunatic broads (and Mr. carbon-tax Gore) out of Washington - where they are doing great harm - and put them away in some nice padded cell, where they can claim the sky is falling to their heart's content.


craftycorner said...

Er, most climate change can be blamed, look up on a sunny day. There is a big yellow thing up there. The local lexicon calls it "sun". It is in actuality a star.

Another big culprit of climate change is volcanism. As in volcanoes. We don't even know where all those are, especially all those hiding under water.

But diaper your car by ALL means.

TheWayfarer said...

Just another excuse to get in your pocket, like the licensed robbers need one!

Bob said...

Don't be tossing any of the "logic" stuff around in here Ted...

The sun affects oue weather? But but but, it's a billion zillion miles away!

It's your very own automobile that is causing all this, the very one that pumped out over 200,000 metric tons of CO2 last year? (Actually last month)

Facts are irrelevant to the green crowd, why should we expect otherwise?

Bob said...

You too Crafty...

Logic is far to dangerous a thing to be allowed in blogs.