Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sure, You Bet!

The Iran solution(short term)... according to our friends and buddies over in that rock-strewn sandpile known as Israel:
"Iran's nuclear program can be thrown back by years in a ten day attack using thousands of Tomahawk cruise missiles," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was quoted as saying in an interview published online by the German magazine Focus on Saturday.
And just who's million-dollar Tomahawk missiles would they be using?

Yes Virginia, we can rain down thousands of Tomahawk missiles on Iran with the only result being to set back Iran's nuclear program a few years. No massive destruction and death, no retaliation, no increased terror attacks.... only a nuclear-free Iran for a few more years.

Yes, yes, yes! We can use thousands of tomahawks to destroy their power plants, their bridges, their command centers, their radio and TV stations, their airports , their research centers, maybe even accidently hit a few hospitals and schools!

Just think of all the new life-long friends we'll make!

All that in only ten days!

And--of course--the Iranians will just sit there for those ten days, watching as their infrastructure is destroyed, their citizens killed, their ecomony wrecked, quietly take the beating... and do nothing.

Gee, sure sounds reasonable, doesn't it? After all, look how well in worked in Iraq!
Only a few hours after the publication of the Focus article in Israeli media outlets, the Prime Minister's Office issued a statement denying the report.
Well, of course.... those plans are supposed to be all secret! You know, like all that big-time important government stuff.

The other big secret at the Prime ministers' Office? Ehud Olmert is insane.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Be the first on your block to start another expensive war to go in debt for! Waste resources, time and lives smarter methods could deal with and reik all manner of carnage! Be the envy of other major governments by showing them the prick running yours is bigger than theirs...

Wow, this is Big League stuff!