Monday, April 28, 2008

Hip, Flip and Slippery

Just watched CNN's coverage of Jeremiah Wright's question and answer session about the radioactive comments he has been making to his flock.

He did not answer any of the hard questions at all. A typical example:

Question: Are you patriotic or not?

Non-answer: I served six years in the military. Does that make me patriotic? How many years did(vice-president)Cheney serve?

Well, no, spending six years in the military does not make you patriotic. It just shows that - in a time of the draft - serving was better than jail time. And nowhere in the question was the vice-president mentioned.

All his "answers" were just like that. He deflected the crux of the question, always re-directing attention to another issue.

As far as six years in the military goes, I served those same six years. Four in active sevice, two in standby reserve. I got my notice from Uncle Sam about my upcoming military adventure in the army from the draft board, so I joined the Navy, since they had the best schools.

His joke-of-the-day was that all this attention he has garnered was not an attack on him, but an attack on the black church. No, all the attention is because he is a loudmouthed pot-stirrer, one exceedingly well trained to use words as weapons.

Soledad O'Brien, another one of those CNN dyed-in-the-wool touchy-feely liberal Obama supporters, while commenting on Wright's performance, never looked more pained and unhappy... ever.

It was remarkable for a CNN bimbo - one trained to smile and look happy with the world at all times - to look so distressed on live TV. A deer in the headlights would have looked much calmer.

If Wright's "answers" pained the rest of the media community as much as O'Brian, they'll all be scrambling to really spin this one, big time.

Look for it.

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