Friday, June 05, 2009

Mull This Over

A quote from a blogger:
However, the problem was NEVER subprime. Subprime loans were just the tip of the iceberg. Subprime loans as an issue are indeed over. But we're just in a lull right now. Alt-A and Option-ARM resets start taking off early next year and are FAR BIGGER than subprime loans ever were.

Most people simply don't understand the problem at all. They also don't understand that even if interest rates were ZERO, it wouldn't change things.

Next year is HUGE. 2011 is EVEN BIGGER.
If this is even close to the mark, times are about to get really exciting.

So what's this guy saying? He's saying that even if the mortgage interest rate was ZERO, these folks can no longer make the payment.

No jobs = money = no house. Over the last couple of decades, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Congress have allowed for tens of millions of our decent, family-providing jobs to evaporate. They have watched as thousands of our factories and manufacturing outlets shut their doors forever, sending millions of Americans out into the streets... While all the time allowing ten of millions of illegals to invade and take whatever jobs these newly jobless American citizens would have been glad to have. Was this all by accident? Hell no, these sons-of-whores have always known exactly what they were doing.

A better formula for total disaster cannot be found.

Those unforeseen consequences can be a real bitch. But I contend those in Washington have known all along what the results of their actions would be.

Why did Congress allow this? Remember what Fred called Congress?
Congress, 535 commoditized temple monkeys pawing through the ruins of America in search of bribes.
He's absolutely correct... and that explains it all. The last three presidents - Bush, Clinton, Bush lite - and the 535 Cretins in Congress have sold us all down the river. Remind yourself that these Washington grubs are all millionaires - many of them multi-millionaires - all of them no doubt with offshore and hidden bank accounts and assets. Supposedly being bought off with piddly campaign donation is a media inside joke. Think a $10,000 donation to a campaign fund would impress one of these multi- millionaires? Get serious. Try a million or so into that offshore bank account.

The consequences for this unbelievable sell-out is just now starting to be seen and felt, and a good clue as to when the hammer is about to fall - for real - will be seen when presidents and Congressmen alike start scheduling offshore jaunts of some sort to get their soon-to-be-exposed butts out of the country.

Will these Alt-A and Option-ARM resets be the final straw? Maybe the insane throw-away-our-money polices of our Kenyan (perhaps Indonesian) pretender-to-the-throne President may may just beat them to the draw.

Unfortunately, we have no voice in the matter - since Congress no longer represents us - so we are going to find out, like it or not.

Then, if we are still capable - and not yet taken over by a foreign power - we're going to have to re-organize ourselves and our national government. We will have to purge all these dual-citizenship traitors out of the body politic, back away from all those foreign intrigues as George Washington advised, declare all those unconstitutional treaties and accords as null and void, stop the money giveaway to all these international leeches and bloodsuckers, return our hundreds of thousands of troops home. We will need to tell the rest of the world they are on their own, that's it time they financed, protected and policed themselves... We are no longer in the business.

Allow those nations and peoples that cannot - or will not - provide for themselves to fail. Failed countries and failed peoples are nothing new to this world. It is not - and has never been - our duty to plunder our treasure to provide for them, and it has NEVER been our duty to send our sons and daughters to die for them, particularly when they will not do it for themselves.

It's pretty simple... we have no business telling other peoples and other nations how to conduct their affairs, any more than you have the right to go to your neighbors house and - at gunpoint - start telling them how to run their lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Federal Reserve System allows the government to operate with fiscal irresponsibility. A liberal-left supreme court allows Congress and the Executive office to operate outside the constraints of the Constitution.
