Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Freak Show

Celebrity daughter Chastity Bono is undergoing a sex change to become a man, her publicist announced Thursday.

The above photo, with Chaschaz on the right, gives a possible clue for the decision.

Said her publicist:
Chaz, after many years of consideration, has made the courageous decision to honor his true identity.He is proud of his decision and grateful for the support and respect that has already been shown by his loved ones
Him? His? What a pitiful joke.

If I were to cut off both arms at the shoulder and attached two equine legs, would that make me a horse?

Of course not, even if I believed my "true identity" was that of a horse. I would still be what I was born, a human, but now one with surgically attached horse legs, a true candidate for a circus freak show.

Oh well, you say... These folks were born with a mixed up DNA or whatever, and besides, horse legs are not sex organs. OK, it's all about the sex organs. If I had a horse penis and scrotum surgically attached, would I then be a horse? Bull. If nature had intended Chastity to be a male, she would have been born a male.

Confused people like this need counseling, not surgery.

Gay leaders hailed Bono's decision as courageous and "an important step forward."

Of course they did. Anything that helps to justify - in their own eyes - their unnatural* and deviant** lifestyles they hail as something it is not. It's not courageous, it's pointless and foolish. It will not make her a man. She will only end up as others before her, still a female, but with screwed up plumbing.

*Unnatural... In this context, any sexual conduct contrary to the survival of the species.

**Deviant.... Conduct that is markedly different than the norm.

It is not "an important step forward". Step forward to what? The day when any and all sexual activity produces no offspring? That's called mass suicide, and beyond a doubt, a giant and completely fatal step backwards.

I could care less what Cher's daughter does to herself surgically. It's a personal decision, and I'm fine by that. But don't try to peddle this sort of thing off as some sort of giant leap forward for humanity. It's not. It's just another sad moment in the history of the mentally confused and sexually deviant in our society.


TheWayfarer said...

And the funniest part of it is, none of the big-shots and high-mucky-mucks can figure out why Western Civilization/WASP CULTure is going down the crapper...
Or, at least they're not admitting it.
Idle (or is that IDOL) societies tend suicidal.

craftycorner said...

Our species is over populating the planet. We need to slow down our proliferation if we are to live in harmony with the rest of the planet. If we don't use voluntary means such as birth control, involuntary means such as famine and disease will thin down our numbers.

Bob said...

"Our species is over populating the planet."

True. I was going to mention that, and how some use it to justify non-offspring sex, but the post was -as usual - getting overly long.

Overpopulation is not a problem that will be solved by deviant sex practices.

What most folks do not realize is that throughout history, homosexuality has been practiced by a average of 3% of the population, so as a tool to keep down our numbers, it's a non-starter.

It may seem like there's a lot for than 3% today, but they're just getting more press and make a lot more noise. They claim up to 10% nowadays, but's that's just self-deluding puffery.

Population control? I can only assume that nature will handle that... world-wide drought, a real pandemic, perhpas the loss of a critical bateria like the one that keeps our intestines working.

Or a big asteroid hit.
Or a super volcano.

Global warming? Nah... That will just make things wetter and warmer.

TheWayfarer said...

craftycorner, do you attend the Church of Euthanasia?
That's the kind of desperately disproven dreck they propound. Paul Erlich said we were all dead by 1990...Hmmm something fishy about that, because I'm still alive.
Atheists seem to love the doom-and-gloom/end-of-the-world scenarios almost as much as the religious nuts!

craftycorner said...

Galt-in-Da-Box & Bob:

Nope, I don't belong to any organized religion as my religious views are no one's business but my own and that of a few close family & friends.

I do think that things can and do go wrong in the womb sometimes, and there are people who have genders that are not as straight forward as the average Joe or Joanna's.

There are people born with physical gender characteristics of male and female. They used to be called hermaphrodites. They are now called transgendered.

Of course not all of these transgendered people have the very obvious physical characteristics. Cher's daughter is perhaps one of these?