Wednesday, June 10, 2009

72 Year-Old Woman Tazed

Yes, she was mouthy and dared the cop to taze her... after he shoved her and then threatened her with his super-macho tazer gun.

Let's look at the combatants here.

In one corner is a 72 year-old grandmother, 4' 11" tall, less than a hundred pounds dripping wet. Old, cranky, not particularly impressed with today's cops, these snazzily uniformed and outfitted ticket writers that have "protect and serve" plastered all over their cruisers, but in reality are nothing more than heavily armed revenue enhancers.

In the other corner is one of those young, physically fit 200+ pound revenue enhancers, armed to the teeth, Automatic pistol, Mace, Tazer, Billy Club, Shotgun, hidden boot revolver, supposedly trained to handle weaponless, unarmed and generally law-abiding civilians in any situation that might arise.

The video shows he started the shoving match, followed immediately by her starting the shouting match. He made only one half-hearted attempt to handcuff her before deciding his tazer was the weapon of choice. So he tazed the mouthy old bag.

Call for backup? No. Give her a moment to calm down before starting to threaten her with a tazer? No. Use his training to quickly subdue this 98 pound weakling? No.

Tazer her - face first - into the ditch and continue threatening her unless she put her hands behind her back? Yes.

I can just imagine the conversation back at the station with his like-minded buddies:

"Hey, I wasn't about to risk having this suspected perpetrator (read as mouthy old bitch) kick me in the shins or knee me in the groin... so I just put the old bag down with the tazer... No problem, Man. She went down face first into the dirt like a sack of flour. Bet she don't mouth off to any of us again!"

My conclusion is he did not want to muss up his uniform or his hair, or have his athletic support device rearranged. That, or he's just another unprofessional and brutish amateur hiding behind the authority of a badge.

My other conclusion is I would not be surprised that if some members of Granny's family and circle of friends shadowed this cop until he was alone, punched his lights out and (when he came around) used his own tazer on him... until he put his hands behind his back.

Austin, Texas... No country for old women.

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