Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Good grief:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States plans to offer more than $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's invasion and to strengthen the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, U.S. officials said on Monday.
First, we give the Jews all manner of war machines and weaponry which they use to pound Gaza, and then we give Gaza millions and millions with which to rebuild what our weapons destroyed. That is nuts.

Can you dig it? We borrow money from China so we can send it to both the Jews and the Arabs. Half the money is used for destruction, the other half for rebuilding. Who are the lunatics that set this idiocy up?

Even stupider, did you know we are paying Israel and Egypt over 5 billion dollars each and every year to not fight? They agreed to peace... once we agreed to pay them for it. And the bill for all this? We're sending that to our children.

Well, it isn't "we" doing all this insanity, It's that gaggle of lunatics in Washington we call the federal government. We need to clean house in Washington, or disconnect completely from it before it drags all the States into ruin... if it's not too late already.

Refusing to pay taxes won't help, since this batch of beltline betrayers will just go borrow the money from any nation stupid enough to loan it to them, and then tell them that our kids will pay it back.

What kids? Our modern, career-oriented women, having discovered they can't have it all (like being a career woman AND a good Mom), have chosen career over motherhood and have prevented an entire generation from being born here in America. There won't be anybody to pay back all this debt, and our debtor nations are just now starting to figure this out.

And what has this federal government used as collateral to cover these loans? America itself. So when our non-existant next generation can't pay, we lose the nation.

I live in Texas, a fully functional State that can legally walk away from this Washington-based entity that has run up over 63 Trillion dollars of debt which they expect the states to pay off. Texas, unlike California, has not yet mortgaged its future, and could easily become a self-supporting and independent State needing no federal dollars to survive, and definitely no federal debt to drag it down.

Is that possible? Well, over twenty States are now considering legislation to tell the federal government to back off, that it has way overstepped its Constitutional authority.

To me, that sounds like a first step towards a complete overhaul of Washington, or it's abandonment and dismantling.

1 comment:

Roci said...

Sorry. Didn't read your long post. I'm sure it was good. Maybe I'll read it at work tomorrow. The first couple of lines caused me to agree with you completely that the Obama/Clinton administration must be insane. I saw this same feature and thought, "what could possibly motivate our government to dump another billion dollars into that black hole?"