Monday, February 23, 2009

Clinton (finally) On Her Knees

More like begging:
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Sunday urged China to keep buying US debt as she wrapped up her first overseas trip, during which she agreed to work closely with Beijing on the financial crisis.
Here's the deal:

The feds have our communist buddies buy up trillions of our debt and then zero out the dollar, leaving them holding the bag. Then we get our all-new shiny Amero, the Euro's bastard child. Everybody gets the shaft, except for organizations like the IMF, who have been buying up every ounce of gold they can get their hands on. Like I mentioned awhile back, the IMF is the proud owner of 104 million ounces of gold, bought by our money.

None of this happens by accident folks.


TheWayfarer said...

104 million ounces of Gold(stein)?
Whoever starves in the Western Hemisphere, it certainly won't be the Khazari banker!
What a scam, indeed. THANK YOU for this most enlightening post.

Bob said...

Heres some of the info:

IMF gold reserves refers to 3,217 tonnes of gold held by the International Monetary Fund. It is currently priced at $42 a troy ounce ($1,370/kg) for accounting purposes, a price that was fixed in 1971 just before the Nixon administration officially delinked the U.S. dollar from gold and instead allowed market forces to set the dollar's worth. An attempt to revalue the gold reserve to today's value has met resistance for different reasons. For example, Canada is against the idea of revaluing the reserve, as it may be a prelude to selling the gold on the open market and therefore depress its price.[5] It is also not clear whether the gold reserve is the property of the IMF or of member countries.

Whose property is it? Yeah, right... member countries won't get a penny's worth of IMF gold without tanks and troops.

Can you dig it? They values it a $42/0z. What a joke.

TheWayfarer said...

So, what you're basically telling me is this $1100/oz business is another rip-off like the housing and oil bubbles...And we both know NOBODY made money off that *ahem*!?
Free markets? More like rigged and cornered ones.

Bob said...
