Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Man Says We're Cowards

From our brand new Attorney general:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues.
In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.
Still self-segregate? Is that not a natural thing to do? Just look at nature... birds of a feather, etc., and if you actually stop and check it out, blacks, given the wherewithal and opportunity, have conclusively demonstrated that they are far more segregationist than whites today.

And what are these unresolved racial issues? After over a hundred years of working on this, what is still unresolved? Is he referring to restitution? Restitution would have been appropriate for the freed slaves after the Civil War, the ones who lived the experience, but not their progeny, generations removed from the actual events.

This man's direct slap in the face about most Americans(read Whites) being cowards? That shows that in America today, a black man can say anything racist or bigoted without fear of reprisal. Imagine the uproar if the previous AG had publicly stated that American minorities were cowards. This man must be clueless, or really trying to stir up a race war.

The reason whites avoid discussing blacks and race is because it can cost you your job, or get you tossed in jail and heavily fined.

You want whites to talk race? Then level the playing field.

Cowards? No... just adverse to being tossed into jail and fined for no good reason.

I have no problem discussing the issue, because I feel no guilt about slavery, or events that happened decades or centuries ago. I didn't do it, none of my family did it, we were not responsible for any of it.

If blacks feel they deserve a better shot at life and its rewards, then do like every successful person has done... Get out there and work for it. Can't get a good job in America? Try finishing school first.

By the way, do we have a White History month? Or a White Congressional Caucus? No? Why not? Would you believe it's against the law? That belonging to something like a White Congressional Caucus would - according to our screwy laws - constitute a hate crime? Could that be just a teeny bit racist?

Just what else can be done to keep whites silent on race? Seems like it's all been done.

A word of caution to the man who thinks we are cowards... White conversation on race has been heavily suppressed by law. If the law will not allow frank and open conversation, which can sometimes get quite heated and contentious, the alternative is quite fearsome. If non-violent confrontation is prohibited, what is left?

If this is an indication of how this new AG feels about Whites, then the United States Attorney Generals' Office has just abandoned the concept of equal justice for all.

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