Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Netanyahu Talks TOUGH

This from a guy who wants to lead a teenie-weenie little blob of a country that depends totally and completely on the good will, the money and the military equipment of the United States:
Feb. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Even before Benjamin Netanyahu finds out whether he will be Israel’s next prime minister, he is sending a message to President Barack Obama that he won’t be pushed around.
The idiot better be more careful with his public rantings against America and it's policies. The existence of Israel depends totally on the Israeli lobby in Congress. If that lobby is rendered ineffective by people like Netanyahu making stupid public statements, Israel vanishes.

Netanyahu seriously needs a realty check if he wants Israel to survive. And so does Congress on it's mindless support of this teeny little country that has created so much grief, misery and death in the middle East, all of it with our money and our military equipment. If we back away, Israel is no more.

That would be pretty tough on all those Jews who have hung their hopes on Isreal's long-term survival. They need to tell their leaders to knock off all the saber-rattling and start making peace with their neighbors.

The reality s that Israel has only two choices. Learn to live with their Arab neighbors, or destroy themselves. And it may be too late for peace... They have almost become what they tried to escape from in WW2... Oppressors that know only force, a sad end for what was supposed to be a Godly endeavour.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Peaceful coexistence isn't going to happen.
The Zionist movement would have done better to angle for a "New Israel" in Germany when it fell in WW2. Instead, they had the great idea of moving into a worthless bit of sand in the middle of a part of the world where anything non-Muslim is hated, destroyed and/or killed.
They need to get the hell out of there, if they want to live.