Friday, September 14, 2007


PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The city's embattled police chief, acknowledging that police alone cannot quell a run of deadly violence, has called on 10,000 black men to patrol the streets to reduce crime.

Sylvester Johnson, who is black, says black men have a duty to protect more vulnerable residents. He wants each volunteer to pledge to work three hours a day for at least 90 days. Said Johnson:
It's time for African-American men to stand up,We have an obligation to protect our women, our children and our elderly. We're going to put men on the street. We're going to train them in conflict resolution.
I'm a bit confused here. Isn't that a string of blatantly racist comments?

If they're not, explain to me why they are not, because if a white police chief said anything like that and called on white men to do their duty, he would cause a mob of insulted blacks to spill out in the the streets, burning and looting... and be out of a job.

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