Saturday, August 04, 2007

My Senator, Right Or Wrong...

My dear Washington Senator recently responded with a communique that actually addressed some of my concerns I have been wiring the Senator about. As surprising as that may be, the contrast between the communiques content and it's claims - as compared to the Senate's actual conduct - was/is startling.

Said the Senator:
Article II, sections three and four of the U.S. Constitution requires Congress to exercise constant and vigilant oversight of the executive branch of our government, and I take this responsibility seriously.
I asked the Senator - in my reply - just what oversight they had conducted in the last six plus years, which is demonstrably zero.

This president has started two wars, both illegal. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq was responsible for the attack on 911. Neither is a declared war. In both cases we were not attacked by the people or the nations Bush has invaded and occupied. That attack was by Saudi Arabian citizens, who then went and hid in the mountains of Afghanistan, a nation of basically sheep-herding peasants that had neither the will nor the power to oppose them. And Iraq? Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 911. Iraq was a danger to Israel, not the United States.

But remember two things...Bush one had been made to look the fool by Saddam to Juniors great embarrassment, and the Bush family has been buddy-buddy with the Saudi royals for a long time... that explains a lot, plus the fact that Israel has the most powerful lobby ever to be created in Washington.

Our Congress gave Bush a blank check to do whatever he wanted about 911. That sort of Congressional conduct is called abrogation of duty.

This President pushed through the creation of his "Patriot Act", one of the largest attacks on our Constitutional rights in history, and this Congress passed this Act without so much as a whimper. That sort of Congressional conduct is called irresponsible.

The Senator went on:
... I believe Congress has the constitutional checks and balances appropriate to ensuring the executive branch upholds its duties.
To which I replied, "Then why haven't you done so?"

A classical example is Bush's refusal to defend and protect our borders from an invasion army of over twenty million aliens, populated by drunken drivers, murderers, rapists, criminals of all kind, and loaded with diseases that are re-infecting our entire nation.

But what the hell. We all know all about this stuff. Today's President and this Congress is as bought and sold as any slave in history, and writing or emailing them just clogs up bandwidth.

One of these days we'll all figure out that Thomas Jefferson - the man who actually penned our Constitution and was one of our founding fathers - was right:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

Particularly the part about tyrants.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Their predecessors excreted all over the document when they helped form and subordinated U.S. to the United (abomi-)Nations - and the OMFR fatcats like Benedict XVII and George Soros who operate it - to which we now answer.
I think it's amazing how many screaming fagits and fascists railing against TWOT would cheer on sending troops to Darfur, but only if one of their fellow leftist "Democrats" started that "just war".
The UN is not about world peace, it's merely a tool for the parasite nations of the earth to leech off the productive, given counterfeit "moral" sanction by the boy-bangers in Rome.