Monday, July 16, 2007

Run It Up The Old Flagpole

Let's see how this one flies:
BAGHDAD (AP) - The U.S. military's top general said Monday that the Joint Chiefs of Staff is weighing a range of possible new directions in Iraq, including, if President Bush deems it necessary, an even bigger troop buildup.
How stupid does this administration think we all are?

I'm going to quit asking that question and do a bit of research into how stupid the average American really is.

Says Marine Gen. Peter Pace:
"We're (doing) the kind of thinking that we need to do and be prepared for whatever it's going to look like two months from now."
That statment is nothing more than a "run it up the flagpole" type of crack to see how it flies, exposes the thinking inside the White House, and is another attempt to prepare Mr. and Mrs. average Joe (Ken and Barbie) to accept the idea we need more troops and more time in Iraq to do whatever it is Bush wants to do.

You no doubt have read Fred Reed from time to time. He recently discussed how Kaplan, which sells prep courses to subvert the SATs, is now using comic books for that purpose. Sez Fred:
You know, vocabulary lists, drills, that kind of thing. If you are too witless to have acquired a vocabulary by graduation from high school, you memorize a bunch of those word thingies with all those, like, letters in them, and forget them the day after the test, but you’re in.
I imagine that Bush will send more troops, spend more money, kill more Americans and Iraqis in his quest to do whatever the hell it is he's doing, and Ken and Barbie will just sit on their thumbs in their church pew next Sunday and conclude it's all in God's hands.

Come to think of it, I don't need to research the stupid level of the average American. We can all see it daily, and it's high.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Less than 20% of the average American high-screw-ool graduates can read their diplomas, or find Iraq on a map...
Does that answer your question?
The dumbing down by the "education professionals" is intentional, as ignorant people need masters and overseers - which government is too eager to supply.