Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Poorest Excuse Of All

Bush has made his interim report of the lack of progress in Iraq. Even he admits that of the eighteen goal's for the Iraqi government that had been set out, none have been fully implemented and only eight of the eighteen have been partially acted on.

But Bush calls this progress, further proof that this man has never once in this life had to face reality.

At a news conference that coincided with the report's release, President Bush said,
"I believe we should succeed in Iraq and I know we must."
Thousands of Americans have died in this debacle because he "believes". That's no reason whatever for all the deaths America has suffered, the billions and billions of our national treasury he has wasted, the rancor and animosity he has created around the world.

He believes.

That's his big reason for prolonging this debacle? He believes?

That has got to be the poorest excuse ever offered by a politician in support of a failed policy.

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