Monday, July 30, 2007

$20,000 Worth Of Burial Insurance

Can you believe this:
CINCINNATI -- As the U.S. Army continues to keep thousands of troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Army recruiters have a new perk to offer new recruits.

The Army is now offering a $20,000 "QS" – or “Quick Shipper” -- bonus to new and prior service recruits joining, selecting any job and shipping out for training within 30 days.
It really should be a called "QF" - or "Quick Funeral" - bonus. $20,000 will provide for a really snazzy funeral service.

Since just about 100% of the "new" recruits are quickly shipped off to Iraq. this "QF" bonus would be particularly useful to them.

A point to ponder: It would seem that the Army is using a substantial amount of taxpayers money to bribe foolish young people into harm's way. Is the taxpayer culpable?

Another point to ponder: $20,000 won't even pay for a decent automobile nowadays.

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