Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Women In Guatemala?

I turned on C-span to watch the latest antics going on in the House of Representatives, and what am I greeted with?

Some California Rep, female, with a heavy spanish accent and spanish surname, crying over the plight of some women in Guatemala who are being abused by Guatemalans--in Guatemala--and that the Guatemalan government just isn't doing enough to protect the rights of these Guatemalan women, so this California Rep wants the U.S. government to intervene, or interfere, or some other such inter-whatever, something that no doubt would end up costing us taxpayers a lot of moeny.

Like we don't have enough troubles of our own, the House has to waste time listening to some broad whine about how a few foreign women--in their own country--are being treated.

Like Bane, I have discovered I don't give a damn. I do not care what's happening in Guatemala to Guatemalan women. Guatemalan men and the Guatemalan government--if they had the cajones and the desire--could fix the problem up all by themselves without our interference. But they don't, so they don't.

So why should we? Why should we allow some spanish-surnamed female who got elected somewhere in California waste the time of our government? If the men in the House had any cajones, they would tell this whining female to sit down and shut up. But they don't, so they don't.

To be fair, I don't care what happens to Gualemalan men either, or to Guatemala itself. The sun would still rise and set here without fail if Gualemala slid into the sea and vanished forever, taking all those abused Guatemalan women with it.

I care what happens to us, what is happening to us, and what should be happening to us.

I may be my "brothers keeper", but none of them are my brother, or sister, or even a distant relative. So as far as I'm concerened, they are on their own, period.

They need to be told that... And so does that idiot California Rep.


TheWayfarer said...

Chalk up another one for altruism!
Don't you wish you were Old-Money, Filthy Rich so you could get elected to a gov't busy-body that spends more time and money on the rest of the world's problems than it does on those of it's own country?

Anonymous said...

The men who made all that "old" money may have been sons-of-bitches, but they were American sons-of-bitches that built up America, our infrastructure, and our industries.

The likes of filthy rich "Paris" reminds me of the lamprey eel... a blood sucker with a mouthful of impressive teeth.