Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mission Accomplished

England's PM David Cameron yesterday announced the start of Britain's withdrawal from Afghanistan. He said the first 450 troops will be brought home this year.

But the move is bitterly opposed by military chiefs, who claim it risks throwing away the gains made by British forces. Colonel Stuart Tootal, ex-commander of 3 Para, said: "We should only get out when the job is done properly.

Someone should point out to that thick-headed(ex-commander) Colonel that the job is done. The job that called for going into Afghanistan was to get Osama Bin Laden. Osama has been got. Time to leave.

Said this saber-rattling(ex commander) Colonel(That's his real job... to rattle his saber):

We are on the right track, but if we take our foot off the gas now, we risk all the success and investment we have achieved so far.

What success is he referring to? And as far as "investment", there is/was no such thing... Only expense... and death.

I assume that they had this low-level(ex commander) wardog make these idiotic public statements to see how they would fly.

In order to fly, you either have to have wings or anti-gravity. This(ex commander)low-level puppet has neither.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

We have tons of those stockpiled at the pentagon.
The "investment" that would be lost is this desk soldier's job!